A Credo For Collective Intelligence And Wisdom


We believe, and we have seen this to be true,
:that if diverse people are helped to show up and be fully heard,
:they can generate greater intelligence and wisdom together
:than they can individually.
We also know
:that there are many ways people can be helped
:to access and reflect on the information they need
:to further enhance their collective intelligence and wisdom.
And we believe and we have seen
:that those who understand and use the principles above
:almost always find greater
:meaning, aliveness and adventure in doing so.
We believe these principles
:can, do and should bring intelligence and wisdom to
:::addressing conflict,
:::solving problems,
:::making decisions,
:::building community,
:::practicing democracy,
:::managing businesses and organizations,
:::and simply living life.
Finally, we believe that
:how we use these principles
:::through the practice of dialogue and deliberation
:in our lives together at all levels
:will have a profound influence
:not only on the quality of our lives
:but ultimately on the survival
:of civilization, humanity and life on earth.
We call on all leaders and professionals
:to apply their skills to this vital mission.
We call on all people everywhere
:::- and that means all of us, in all our diversity -
:to demand the application of dialogue and deliberation
:in all aspects of our lives together
:::- in great institutions of politics, governance, commerce and law,
:::no less than in our own lives and communities.
We call on ourselves and everyone else
:to practice dialogue and deliberation fully
:to create a world that works for all
:that it may flourish for a long, long time.

What will jolt awareness of such new power to the fore? Something must pull it out, above the din of our customary talk, approaches, debate, and power plays. ... I suspect it must happen from many fronts.... but it seems to me that repeated and highly publicized Wisdom Councils would affect a new attitude, a curiosity, a disposition to discover the wisdom of collective intelligence.