Process Arts
This is a living story of the process arts.* Processes can address individual relationship to self/all (such as meditation), interpersonal dynamics (for example Nonviolent Communication), group processes (e.g. Open Space, World Cafe, unconference and wiki), on up to very large scale systems, such as economic, legal and political structures (e.g. Threebles, Restorative Circles, or Citizen Deliberative Councils). More than a process, or even a list of particular processes, the process arts are about an awareness that however we are doing something, that is simply one particular way, and we can and often do experiment with doing it any number of other ways.
* not to be confused with process art, which is literally about art
Another way of seeing into the process arts is to understand the patterns that underlie processes and the general process consciousness, and put together a pattern language. Some of us have started meeting in person to develop a Pattern Language of Group Process (focusing on the group part of the scale of processes from individual to global). At some point we may use that pattern language as a seed to develop a broader pattern language on process in general, on this wiki.
Why call approaches to group process the Process Arts? Here is one response (of many), and a definition of the idea by the person who coined and released the term.
The two kinds of things here so far are Processes and Users. They are always listed in the sidebar to the right.
This site was seeded with the old National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation (NCDD) wiki. The old home page from that wiki is NCDD wiki.
Feel free to leave comments here:
So I just blew in here from a reference on Facebook. I have a question? How is this different from "Graphic Facilitation" or the "Visual Practitioner" concept as practiced by groups like the IFVP in San Fransisco? I had not heard the term "process arts" but it makes sense. (and I do it all the time).
--Michael Erickson (Not signed in).....Tue Nov 02 21:36:11 -0700 2010
The use of graphics and visuals can be a great part of facilitation, and facilitation as a whole is only part of Process Arts. The "arts" in process arts is not about physical art (used in facilitation or otherwise), but the more general art (or arts) of process, which include things like integrity and presence and conversational ability, and also things like systems thinking, facilitation, and political science and practice.
--John Abbe.....Tue Nov 02 22:02:32 -0700 2010
Thanks for the distinction. I work as a "visualization specialist" in aerospace engineering, as a "process consultant" who also does a LOT of artwork (picture making -process, concept, system and vision focused), and often the "art" part obscures the "process" part, often, even for me. I'm on the hunt for solid data around what the cognitive sciences have to say about visual learning, contextual understanding and the negative influences of MS Powerpoint style "linear/sequential" information display. Authors Ed Tufte and John J Medina come to mind, but I'm interested in a wider frame of reference. Any ideas?
--Michael Erickson (Not signed in).....Wed Nov 03 08:37:34 -0700 2010