WHAT ARE OUR "EDGES"? How to integrate the distributed intelligence capacity of self organized computer networking and the wisdom generating capacities of high quality deliberation? (i.e., "the deliberative-technology edge") What is the route by which collective intelligence becomes a major concern for society? / What is the root by which CI becomes a major inquiry for society? What preparations would set the ground for CI/W given the likelihood of trigger events coming in the future? How do we prepare to bring forth collective wisdom under duress? Are there others ways to connect with the systems needs other than through personal feedback mechanisms? What are forms of attuning to those needs that would be inclusive of all members of the collective? Are there ways to engage those in positions of power in this movement from the beginning? Collective Mindfulness * Creating new practices to enhance this capacity, and cultivating and diffusing the ones we already know/have* How do we measure if we are being successful? What are our blind spots? What are we taking for granted? What aren't we looking at? What are the conditions (inner & outer) necessary for raising CI/W? How do we make it clear to ordinary people the promise of collective intelligence and wisdom? How do we share this with more people? What would strengthen each of us as practitioners? Are there ways to accelerate this out there? Scalability and imaginal cells Speak to the intuitional place in people -- What are the metaphors that will evoke collective intelligence? What are ways to ratchet up? How do we create an atmosphere where ego is not running things? I wonder whether sending positive energy is helping fundamentalists... What aikido moves? How to focus on power holders? Focusing energy/intention to whom? How can we use spiral dynamics to frame different approaches? How can we reflect back to ourselves the real cost/consequences of our choices in terms of time and economics? As a society, is there a way to see the consequences in a way that shapes our decision-making? What might we learn from the mycorrhiza? How can we make love the impulse for our decisions? Given the potential of technology to totally destroy humanity and life on this planet, what level of societal collective intelligence could make the difference/monitor our development? How about a $10 million" X Prize" to fund social technology innovation to bridge the ingenuity gap? Young people entering the "suicide economy" leading to the planet destroying itself* How can the massive intelligence failures be an opening for the emergence of collective intelligence as a pathway to the world working? How do we support connectors? Inequality? What are the practices of collective intelligence? Sharing the Practices in difficult times/ in the face of crisis? Collective intelligence in motion Can you use the tools of the master to dismantle the master*s house? What are the consequences of using those same tools developed within the old exploitive context for a new purpose? We all gave our power away to a centralized agency - do we focus on building the centralized capacity or the individual? What are the specific tools for raising collective compassion as well as collective intelligence and wisdom? What would a Manhattan Project on collective intelligence and wisdom look like? How do you use CI to influence funding proposals? A massive influx of resources to release the hidden forms of power at times of crisis? How do we best build synergy between inner, social technology, and high technology? How to integrate and develop these, and map the territory of the synergies? How do we apply this work to finding wise solutions to the use challenges facing life on earth? How do I best refine my own capacities/my own prayerfulness/my own attentiveness? How do I take this unique bundle of talents and apply them to best serve the evolution and revolution? Biofeedback to help shape and create reality. How do we apply this work to finding solutions to the large challenges facing life on earth? How do we honor the evolution of our language and at the same time be inclusive? "Communicative Competence": Keep in mind who you are talking to! Where have we found success in communicating and translating what we are up to to others? What is the highest relevance? Need for emergence of translation* Tolerance for ambiguity is correlated to our creativity. Is there a next step or steps? What if any relevance does creative intelligence have to a fundamentalist world view? What, if any, next steps does this collectivity have in mind? "Technicians of the Sacred"?


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see http://p2pfoundation.net/Category:Facilitation where we are also listing similar practices

  --Michel Bauwens (Not signed in).....Sun Jan 31 00:53:33 -0800 2010

The Bohm Dialogue, especially Collective Reflection has significance for me in terms of artistic critique and dialogue.

If one wanted to connect this to Jungian thought I'd relate to that.

  --Srule Brachman (Not signed in).....Mon May 21 17:09:16 +0000 2012





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