Kitchen Table Discussion+Method

  • If a kitchen table discussion arises informally, those who wish to follow up on this opportunity should seek advice on how best to encourage participation and how to handle the issues/information that arises. The informal beginnings can be discouraged if the person or people organising further discussions do not understand how to ensure all members of the discussion feel that their opinion will be taken seriously, valued and can be freely expressed.
  • Kitchen table discussions can be formally planned to reach targeted groups by advertising the venue and time.
  • Because these discussions reach groups that are not attracted to formalized participation programs, sensitivity must be used in organising and facilitating meetings so as to encourage continued participation.
  • Select a centralised, neutral space (not affiliated with any one interest group in the locality)
  • Use informal neighbourhood networks to organize the first round of events.
  • Set groundrules about respecting other's opinions, and recording all issues for further discussion.
  • Needs sensitive handling to ensure no one dominates the discussion, and all opinions are valued.
  • Encourage group to record the outcomes of discussions and feed back into a broader participation program.
  • Encourage ongoing discussions.
  • Use these discussions as a means of gauging ongoing public response to a participation program.