Lets Talk America

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Add new categories as needed! I know and linkin humanitarian change activists around the world (for example I am the Uk newsletter editor for Australi's wonderful worldwide movement www.collapsingworld.org and my heaviest probono client is www.simpol.org.uk ) - if you like , call this an amateur experiment of mine for 10 years of being on email. Among several quite famous American change leaders in this loosely connected network, many have recently told me and public conferences that its a huge irony; anywhere else in the world they know how to start fostering chnage among caring people, but back at home they currently feel stumped.

This seems to raise the question - if we feel there are things about America that are currently not what the world really needs, how (if at all) can foreigners help America constructively to change itself? chris macrae, , user of www.linkedin.com