Samoan Circle+Method

  • Set room up with centre table surrounded by concentric circles of chairs.
  • Arrange roving microphones.
  • Select one or two representatives for each of the views present to constitute the core of the Samoan Circle.
  • Seat these people in a semi-circle surrounded by two-four open chairs.
  • Clarify that once the discussion begins, the facilitator may withdraw and watch as a silent observer or facilitate the discussion.
  • Before the discussion begins, arrange for the facilitator to announce the rules and ask for agreement from all:
  • people in the larger group can listen, but there is no talking, booing, hissing or clapping.
  • anyone from the larger group who wishes to join the conversation may do so by coming forward at any time and taking one of the 'open chairs' on either end of the semi-circle.
  • Indicate that the discussion may begin with a brief statement from each representative and then proceeds as a conversation. Representatives discuss issues with each other as the larger group listens.
  • Record viewpoints expressed and commonalities identified, and agreements or outcomes reached.