Task Descriptions

Task descriptions for the National Conference On Dialogue And Deliberation. People who have taken on the tasks are listed in Conference Team Tasks.

Logistics Team

Team conference calls * 1 person
Details: Schedule and coordinate monthly conference calls about different conference issues that all planning team members can participate in.
Business Center * 1 person
Details: Coordinate an on-site "Business Center" (room with fax, copier, internet access, etc) at Regis for conference participants.
Relaxation Room * 1 person
Details: Coordinate an on-site "Relaxation Room" available to conference participants for rest, meditation, and prayer. Create a relaxing, inviting atmosphere, provide clean sheets and blankets for Muslim prayer, etc.
Registration/Information Table * 1 person
Details: Set up registration table at event, ensure that registration table is staffed at all times * by volunteers when not by paid students, and that the information, resources, etc. at the table are up-to-date and replenished.
Exhibits * 1 person
Details: Work with Regis to determine where exhibit tables will be located and how many tables are available (and how many need to be rented). Work with exhibitors and Regis staff to coordinate set-up and break-down of exhibits.
Bookstore and Other Sales * 2 people
Details: Work with publishers and authors to coordinate the sale of books and videos at the conference (NCDD will get a percentage of sales). Reach out to publishers/authors of books that may sell well. Ensure that the bookstore is staffed (perhaps by a paid student) when appropriate, and that the products are kept safe when the bookstore is closed. Coordinate sales of other items (T-shirts, etc.) that we may decide to produce for the event.
Giveaways and Fun Products to Sell * 1 person
Details: Work with Sandy to determine what we can/should give to participants (tote bags, pens, key chains, etc.) and what else we may be able to produce and sell at the conference (T-shirts with cool dialogue-related sayings on them; mint tins with dialogue phrases on them, etc.). Be creative!
Silent Auction * 1 person
Details: Work with leading D&D organizations to get them to donate trainings, books, etc. to the silent auction. Work with non-D&D groups to try to get other valuable donations (trips, products, etc.). Publicize the auction at and before the conference.
Shuttles & Transportation * 1 person
Details: Work with Denver shuttle services to get the best deal possible for us. Finalize shuttle schedule from hotels to Regis and back. Coordinate university vehicle for all-day shuttle. Obtain and provide participants with good directions from airports and major highways to the hotels and to Regis.
Registrations & Confirmations * 1 person
Details: Keep track of the registration forms that are completed via the online table they will (mostly) be submitted into. Send confirmation emails to registered participants, noting whether or not we received their payment, what information was not completed correctly, etc.
Hospitality/Break Room * 1 person
Details: Coordinate a space at Regis where conference participants can take a break, grab a snack, have small meetings, etc. Monitor this space during the conference to ensure all is going smoothly.
Childcare * 1 person
Details: Determine whether we will need to provide childcare or information about local childcare options. Coordinate whatever childcare or information is needed.
Room Set-Up and A/V * 2 people
Details: Work with Regis to determine what will be need to be done by us and what will be done by them regarding room set-up (chair arrangements, A/V, etc.). Coordinate and oversee the use of audio/visual equipment (overhead projectors, LCD projectors, etc.) at the conference. Determine what else the rooms will need (flip charts, markers, decorations, etc.) and coordinate their distribution.
Meals, Breaks & Refreshments * 1 person
Details: Work with Sandy and Logistics Team Facilitator to determine the number and type of meals, snacks, coffee breaks, etc. we will provide conference participants. Work with Regis on how and when the food will be served, what additional costs there may be, etc.
Hotels * 1 person
Details: Work with the local hotels to get the best rates and the most services we can. Keep in contact with the hotels to find out how many people have made reservations vs. how many rooms are reserved for our group.
Room Assignments * 1 person
Details: Work with the Logistics Team Facilitator to assign times and rooms to the break-out sessions based on their space, set-up and A/V needs.
Atmosphere * 1 person
Details: Coordinate decorations, artwork, balanced religious and spiritual imagery, etc. in the space we*ll be using at Regis. Ensure that there are comfortable places for people to rest and to meet.
Assisting International Participants * 1 person
Details: Serve as point person for potential international participants, providing them with invitations and logistical details as needed. Ensure that confirmed international participants have the details and assistance they need to arrive safely at Regis. Serve as their contact during the conference, making sure they feel comfortable and get any assistance/information they may need.
Denver Details * 1 person
Details: Obtain and organize interesting information about Denver * a bit of history, some entertainment options, tourist attractions, etc.
Ensuring Accessibility * 1 person
Details: Find out about the campus and hotels* accessibility and limitations to conference participants who may be in wheelchairs or have other physical needs. Make this information available to participants. Work with any physically challenged participants to make sure their needs will be met.
Continuity (Post-Conference Follow-up) * 1 person
Details: Keep track of any action groups, action steps, commitments, etc. that are formed at the conference. Immediately after the conference, follow up with the groups and individuals involved so that momentum is not lost. Work with Sandy to provide these groups with the space they need to keep working (listservs, wiki space, etc.) and to post their plans/ideas on the website.
Internet access - 1 person
Details: Discover and publicize as many options as possible for net access. Optionally organize wireless net access for some conference spaces.

Public Relations Team

Articles & Press Releases * 1 person
Details: Determine which Denver news outlets, D&D publications, etc. we should target. Determine what angles would be most interesting to each of these. Write articles and/or press releases about the conference and submit them to these places.
Advertisements * 1 person
Details: Determine what publications we should run ads in (the Chronicle of Higher Education, the National Civic Review, etc.) and find out what the deadlines, costs and specifications are. Work with Andy to get these ads submitted.
Listservs * 1 person
Details: Go through the long list of D&D-related listservs and e-newsletters that is up at thataway.org, sending a message about the conference tailored slightly to each.
Outreach to Specific Groups * 1 person each
Details: Determine how to best reach out to the following groups (what listservs, publications or organizations to utilize, how to tailor our message, what else might bring them in).
  • Public Officials
  • Key Leaders in the Field
  • People Involved in the OD (Organization Development) Field
  • People Involved in Online Dialogue and E-government not yet involved in NCDD
  • Scholars/researchers of dialogue & deliberation not yet involved in NCDD
  • People involved in Deliberative Democracy but not yet involved in NCDD
  • non-government or public interest groups which utilize but do not focus primarily on D&D
  • etc.

Diversity Team

Handling Issues/Conflicts at the Conference * 2 people
Details: Develop a procedure and coordinate space for addressing issues/conflicts that come up at the event that relate to diversity and inclusion. The Diversity group that formed at the 2002 conference has some great ideas for this.
Administering Scholarships * 2 people
Details: Work with Sandy to determine how to make decisions about who is granted scholarships, how much money is available, etc. Inform scholarship applicants of what we are able to provide and keep track of how many scholarships have been accepted, declined, are pending, etc. Write up something about the people we were able to assist this way.
Outreach to Specific Groups * 1 person each
Details: Determine how to best reach out to the following groups (what listservs, publications or organizations to utilize, how to tailor our message, what else might bring them in).
  • Youth (high school and college students, young people not in school)
  • Conservatives
  • Ethnic & Racial Minorities
  • Lesbians, Gays and Transgendered People

Networking & Entertainment Team

Networking Opportunities at the Conference * 2 people
Details: Organize and facilitate formal and informal networking sessions and activities at the conference.
Evening Activities & Options * 2 people
Details: Organize any evening entertainment activities we have at the conference (art performances, video viewing, receptions, etc. Provide details about other entertainment options for people.

Assessment Team

Goals, Objectives & Principles * 2 people
Details: Help the planning team develop clear goals, objectives and principles for the conference. Keep track of our progress on these goals and objectives during the planning process and at the conference. Ensure that conference participants are made aware of the conference goals, objectives and principles.
Surveys, Evaluations & Notes * 2 people
Details: Determine what surveys and/or evaluation forms we should administer to conference participants before, at or after the event. Develop those surveys and distribute and collect them if they are administered during the conference. Determine whether and how we will collect notes and/or session evaluation forms for the break-out sessions and plenaries.
Report to the Field * 1 person
Details: Synthesize the results of evaluation forms, surveys and notes taken at the conference and write about them in a narrative form. Also summarize the planning process and conference happenings, and try to include some anecdotes from the conference. Submit to Sandy for wide distribution throughout the field.

Design Team

Overall Theme and Design * 6 or 7 of those taking on the following tasks
Details: Before we can design individual plenary sessions, etc., we need to agree on an overall theme for the conference that will guide our decisions.
Break-Out Sessions * 3 people
Details: Help determine what to include in the presenters application form. Survey the planning team, others to determine who we should actively solicit as presenters. Approach those folks with invitations to submit an application to present. Develop a process for deciding which applications to accept, and administer that process. Inform applicants as to whether their applications were or were not selected.
Plenary (Large-Group) Sessions * 3 people
Details: Decide on and design a plenary session for each day of the conference (World Cafe on the first day and Open Space on the third day are currently being considered). Work with key leaders (Hal Saunders, Martha Mc Coy, etc.) to determine the length, topic and format of their short addresses to the whole group. Work with Logistics Team on announcements, room set-up needs, etc.
Building Knowledge * 2 people
Details: The 2004 conference will be an opportunity for us to collectively build knowledge and understanding of the D&D practice and community. Ensure that this is not a missed opportunity! Determine what kinds of knowledge are most needed in the field (determining under which circumstances various models/techniques are most appropriate/effective, for example), and work with other members of the Design Team to create a way for conference participants to address these areas effectively.
Denver Connection * 1 person
Details: Connect with Denver area D&D people to find out what local efforts could be highlighted during the conference. Find out what local schools and colleges have D&D programs/efforts, and invite them to attend the conference, lead sessions, etc. Maximize our being in Denver!
Small Group Dialogues * 2 people
Details: Decide whether we should have all participants assigned to small dialogue groups which meet two or three times during the conference. If so, determine how we can make this time most worthwhile. What will we have the dialogue groups discuss? How will we organize the groups? How can we learn from what the groups discuss or experience?
Art Component * 2 people
Details: Ensure that the 2004 conference has an even stronger art component than the 2002 conference. Work with graphic illustrators, artists and others that want to be involved in the conference. Help develop any arts performances we end up having at the conference. Find ways to sell and share artwork that is developed at the conference. Possibly help develop a mini art exhibit.
Post-Conference Trainings * 2 people
Details: Help decide which trainings to move forward on. Work with potential training organizers to determine how we will compensate them (if required), how much we will charge people to attend the various trainings, what their logistical needs are, etc. Develop a fair process for determining whether we need to cancel a training due to lack of interest. Gather details about the trainings to publicize throughout the D&D community. Determine whether we can benefit from the trainings in additional ways (resources to add to website, etc.).