Facilitating a Culture of Participation some foundations of ToP methods
In a culture of participation, people feel their ideas are being heard and they contribute their best insights. Information and ideas shared and everyone is able to become significantly engaged in the conversations. People listen to each other and learn from other perspectives.
In a participatory culture, people discover common interests, develop visions and values together and individuals feel a sense of purpose and responsibility. People sense they are truly a part of a process that values them and, as a result, their motivation rises and team spirit grows.
In a culture of participation, people develop real solutions and as they do, they extend and deepen the collective knowledge base of the group. People in participatory cultures think and act together, knowing that they are making a difference.
ToP approaches operate out of the understanding that everyone has wisdom. Every person has an opportunity to hear others and express their ideas. The idea mix becomes richer and the group gets the wisest results when everyone's wisdom is included. The whole, indeed, becomes greater than the sum of the parts.
The best plans and solutions are created when everyone participates. ToP methods that bring out the best in the group. Participation allows everyone to share, to work together and to contribute in a meaningful manner.
ToP methods can be accessed through ICA.
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