This wiki is running [Wagn][Wagn].


This is from the old NCDD wiki and should probably be moved to some history section or just deleted:

The old [NCDDWiki][NCDDWiki] was running on [Wikki Tikki Tavi][Wikki_Tikki_Tavi]. It's [Php Language][Php_Language] & [My Sql][My_Sql]. See Tavi:TaviFeatures (what's a "user interface template system"?). If you want to help out, [Join Ncdd Wiki Geeks][Join_Ncdd_Wiki_Geeks].

Some tech changes we wanted [Before Launch][Before_Launch]. Other considerations:

Design thoughts

Categories - use [Category This][Category_This] and [Category That][Category_That] or go for something more automated? (WikkiTikkiTavi has some automation, and produces [Recent Changes][Recent_Changes]-like views of pages in a category - see wiki:Tavi:CategoryDocumentation )

What else can we do to do to invite people who don't see themselves as "authorized" to write?

[Lucy Perry][Lucy_Perry]'s added [Tavi Comments][Tavi_Comments].

Is the server on mountain time? Saw an hour ahead from the server's time zone as the default. Setting it in Preferences worked.

Changes in progress

[Shorter Url][Shorter_Url]

[Sister Sites][Sister_Sites] - [Wikki Tikki Tavi][Wikki_Tikki_Tavi] calls this [Sister Wiki][Sister_Wiki] - normally requires a cron job, we have no shell access but will hack around this by rigging the script to check and trigger the job once a day, week, whatever.

customize edit page: add link to [Formatting Rules][Formatting_Rules] done''; change "document" -> "page" ''done

customize edit page: add link to [Ncdd Wiki Copyright][Ncdd_Wiki_Copyright] (once it's finalized)

[Minor Edit][Minor_Edit] (checkbox on edit pages to keep minor changes from being logged to [Recent Changes][Recent_Changes])

Subscription - [Rss Feeds][Rss_Feeds] check; auto-ping to add feed auto-detection in header - code: E-mail subscription to [Recent Changes][Recent_Changes] (RSS & if there's no built-in function). See [Subscribing To Ncdd Wiki][Subscribing_To_Ncdd_Wiki]

Other features to explore

[Inter Nationalization][Inter_Nationalization] Unicode there, but needs to be turned on?

More subscription options - e-mail of [Recent Changes][Recent_Changes] & alerts for changes to particular pages; support for [Atom Feeds][Atom_Feeds]

(in Preferences?) Random page link in linkbar

vpwikispec and/or other non-HTML access support (see [Voodoo Pad][Voodoo_Pad])

embedding [Feed Boxes][Feed_Boxes], as [Open Wiki][Open_Wiki] does (certainly doable with simple macro and [Java Script][Java_Script], but something more native would be nice).

bot to interact with on IRC or other [Instant Messaging][Instant_Messaging] systems?

Image Uploading -- without this, images can be included in nearly all wikis by simply by pasting the address of a URL that points to an image that is already on the [World Wide Web][World_Wide_Web].

Granular addressing -- the [Purple Numbers][Purple_Numbers] you see at the end of most paragraphs in some wikis. If anyone wants to explain why we should be more interested in this, please do so,

More than [Table Syntax][Table_Syntax], a [Cascading Style Sheets][Cascading_Style_Sheets]-related markup might be interesting

Early considerations

Our general inclination is toward simplicity (for accessibility and other reasons -- e.g., one wiki engine was rejected for being loaded with [Java Script][Java_Script]). We were already using [My Sql][My_Sql] so that was not a big consideration.

[Wikki Tikki Tavi][Wikki_Tikki_Tavi] had most of what we wanted. See wiki:Tavi:TaviFeatures

Clean enough code so that things can be easily fixed and extended.

prefer [Free Open Software][Free_Open_Software] because we can work on it, and it can be shared legally, and some licenses can "enforce" sharing, making an interesting legal statement about sharing and [Copy Right][Copy_Right].

Specific features we want at startup

The basics: easy page linking, minimally-geeky markup, human-readable URLs, [Back Links][Back_Links], search, [Recent Changes][Recent_Changes] handling of edit conflicts (when two people try to edit the same page at the same time)

The first thing we added, for accessibility to people new to wiki, was [Tavi Comments][Tavi_Comments], a comment box at the bottom of each page. [Wakka Wiki][Wakka_Wiki] has something like this, but the comments are stored separately from the wiki page contents. We implemented it here such that the comments are appended to the end of the wiki page.

XHTML & CSS (see [Hyper Text Markup Language][Hyper_Text_Markup_Language], [Cascading Style Sheets][Cascading_Style_Sheets]) check

[Inter Wiki][Inter_Wiki] links check

Preview button while editing check

Versioning support, with diffs (shows changes between versions), and easy restore of old page versions (e.g. editable view of old versions so that one can copy & paste the wiki markup). check

Markup - prefer non-HTML; something comprehensible to code-averse people.

  • bold & italic -- single and double quotes
  • indenting, bullets, lists -- ugh
  • -- four dashes

Do we want to technically or socially discourage any particular name styles for pages? (e.g., [Wiki Case][Wiki_Case] only?) technically no, socially maybe

I would encourage [Wiki Case][Wiki_Case] only as it makes the [Wiki Words][Wiki_Words] "special". See --ChrisDent

I agree, and at the same time, i know there are people who hate it or are confused by it. There's no way to please everyone though.

I like the idea of having page owners responsible for editing content with sandbox areas where all can contribute and edit. You want a system that gives control in some areas, and leaves other open. -- [Jonathan Hendler][Jonathan_Hendler]

Aha! You mean have some pages be locked they can't be edited? My thought was to start us with everything open (and of course a [Sand Box][Sand_Box] page where we ask people to do their messing about). For spam, security, and positive reasons as well, i plan to "live" on-line on this wiki (well, maybe not as much as on my own wiki [Abbe Normal][Abbe_Normal]), and intend to find others who would like to do the same. wiki:Tavi:TaviFeatures has "Individual page lockdown by administrator" if we decide later we want to use it. Whaddya think? --JohnAbbe

Yes. I haven't seen this feature. I just installed Tavi on my a local server. I couldn't run the perl scripts on my remote server. I noticed that all the paths were messed up. Other than that, tavi has a lot of great features, namely rss, do we have some sort of [User Guide][User_Guide] or [Site Rules][Site_Rules] page ? -- [Jonathan Hendler][Jonathan_Hendler]

Also see Wiki:WikiDesignPrinciples. Is there work to enable audio/video scenes activated from within Wiki? -- [Larry Victor][Larry_Victor] Is there work to activate popup windows from wihtin Wiki? -- [Larry Victor][Larry_Victor]


This is a living story of the Process Arts, including many particular processes. Anyone can browse; if you'd like to edit things, or add a process, you may request an account.






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  • You can open and close cards in place. Just click on (my_bucket)/1383/3259.png or the card name.
  • To get to the page (and web address) for a card, click on (my_bucket)/1709/3792.png.
  • When you're editing, to create links within the website (even to a card that doesn't yet exist), put double square brackets around some text, like this.

To learn more see the Wagn documentation.


If you have questions, contact the Process Arts wiki support team. We may also be online live, or you can just ask your question here and someone will answer it shortly:

see where we are also listing similar practices

  --Michel Bauwens (Not signed in).....Sun Jan 31 00:53:33 -0800 2010

The Bohm Dialogue, especially Collective Reflection has significance for me in terms of artistic critique and dialogue.

If one wanted to connect this to Jungian thought I'd relate to that.

  --Srule Brachman (Not signed in).....Mon May 21 17:09:16 +0000 2012





Wheeled by Wagn v. 0.18.1