I am founder of the Co-Intelligence Institute, author of TheTaoOfDemocracy: Using Co-intelligence to Create a World that Works for All, and a National Coalition For Dialogue And Deliberation steering committee member.


I am deeply concerned about the world. I feel we're on the edge of major Break Down and/or Break Through -- the development of global catastrophes and/or the emergence of new, wiser forms of civilization, including Wise Democracy. I believe that dialogue, deliberation and collective reflection have a major role to play in how this Global Transformation unfolds.


My current focus is on developing and catalyzing innovative Democratic Institutions and Democratic Strategies capable of bringing forth and empowering the latent wisdom of We The People.


You can learn more about my life and work (and see a picture of me) at http://co-intelligence.org/tomatleebio.html.


Thanks for your recent writing; it's fun to have others' stuff to interact with! --John Abbe


[evolutionary dynamics that can change social systems][evolutionary dynamics]


view (line) not supported for Break Through

view (line) not supported for Break Down

table of contents v 1.0


Processes of interest


How to reach me
