Below is the front page of this wiki when it was directly associated with NCDD. For the front page of this wiki, see Process Arts.



The National Coalition For Dialogue And Deliberation (NCDD) decided to host a wiki as a community space and to host and promote the further development of a directory of processes, seeded by the Citizen Science Toolbox (with permission). It was initiated by Tom Atlee's invitation and the work of John Abbe, Lucy Perry and Jonathan Hendler, along with Andy Fluke of NCDD. Tom and some others added more about processes, and it was used by NCDD folks to organize some other explorations into dialogue & deliberation, and process in general (see below), but never really took off as a community effort. As the tide of wiki spam rose, it was taken offline, until being resurrected in this new incarnation.


You can browse it as of late 2005 via the Wayback Machine:




Welcome to NcddWiki! A "wiki" is a collaboratively-created web of interlinked pages with edit privileges for all participants. This collaborative workspace enables NCDD members and others to edit documents, comment on tools, agree on how to proceed with projects, and much more.


This wiki can be edited by anyone - just click on the "Edit this document" link at the bottom of any page. There are many pages about Participating In Wiki. The Formatting Rules are mostly simple. Go ahead and try them out in the Sand Box! Then explore and contribute as you please. Signing What You Write is very optional.


Projects & Topics:


Participatory Processes The good folks who created the Citizens Science Toolbox have given us permission to add material from their toolbox to Ncdd Wiki as a starting place for practitioners and others to revise the descriptions of myriad participatory practices to be more accurate, complete and useful. Everyone is encouraged to participate in this experiment!


Collaborative Problem Solving NCDD is working with a group of leaders in collaboration, mediation and similar fields to explore how we might be able to work together to foster increased and improved collaborative problem-solving in communities. The group initially met at the Association for Conflict Resolution Conference in Orlando, Florida this past October. The group plans to use this Wiki as its collaborative workspace.


Exploring Basics What are the underlying principles or phenomena of dialogue and deliberation? Why do we do this work? What is important for practitioners of these arts to know or do? This wiki space exists to help us explore the deep commonalities that make us into one field or movement, or that clarify our work into its most powerful simplicities.


Developing a Visionary Mission for the Field NCDD Steering Committee member Tom Atlee has been working with a group of NCDD members on the beginning stages of an interactive, collaborative process that would enable people from throughout the field to work together to create one or more statements about the visionary mission of dialogue and deliberation and its practitioners. This process will create coherent statements of the visionary role of D&D in our society's effectiveness, survival and evolution.


There are few joys like coming back to a wiki page one has written on, and seeing it massively improved. --John Abbe


This is a living story of the Process Arts, including many particular processes. Anyone can browse; if you'd like to edit things, or add a process, you may request an account.






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  • When you're editing, to create links within the website (even to a card that doesn't yet exist), put double square brackets around some text, like this.

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If you have questions, contact the Process Arts wiki support team. We may also be online live, or you can just ask your question here and someone will answer it shortly:

see where we are also listing similar practices

  --Michel Bauwens (Not signed in).....Sun Jan 31 00:53:33 -0800 2010

The Bohm Dialogue, especially Collective Reflection has significance for me in terms of artistic critique and dialogue.

If one wanted to connect this to Jungian thought I'd relate to that.

  --Srule Brachman (Not signed in).....Mon May 21 17:09:16 +0000 2012





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