Ncdd Conference

The National Coalition For Dialogue And Deliberation emerged from the 2002 NCDD conference, and we held another one in October 2004 in Colorado. We used Ncdd Wiki to facilitate some of our planning, and to provide a forum for participants to network with each other before the conference.

Conference Team Tasks - the conference teams, their tasks, and who has taken them on.

Networking And Collaboration - for conference participants and others interested in networking with other D&Ders and exploring possibilities for collaboration

World Cafe At Conference - workspace for those planning the World Cafe that will take place on the first evening of the conference.

Want to add a new topic?

Feel free to create new pages here for other conference work : Smush Words Together to create a page link (making sure the smushed words are all capitalized). Then click on the resulting "?" to create some text for the new page you've just created. (for more on that process, read about Adding New Pages)

For more details about the conference, visit

Category Conference