Myriam Laberge, M.A., CPF (Vancouver area, BC, Canada)

My work is about transformation in groups, organizations and communities. Any work that serves to connect us to one another, helps us to dialogue and learn together, affirms our heart*s wisdom and our soul*s longing, and empowers us to act together towards a future we all want * this work excites me. As a Certified Professional Facilitator and an Organization Transformation consultant at Breakthroughs UNLIMITED, I specialize in dialogue, collaborative learning and whole system change ( On a part-time basis, I also design and deliver workshops and conferences as Director of Collaborative Learning at the Centre for Innovation in Management at Simon Fraser University, which focuses on stakeholder engagement across diverse boundaries ( With my colleague at the Centre, Ann Svendsen, I am co-authoring a book entitled, "Co-Creative Power: Tapping Collective Intelligence for A Sustainable Future". In this book, the work of conscious evolution and co-creation is applied to bring together diverse stakeholders to address the pressing, complex, messy issues and needs of our world.

Welcome to Ncdd Wiki, Myriam. Reading this, i'm thinking you might find the list of Participatory Processes of interest. --JohnAbbe

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see where we are also listing similar practices

  --Michel Bauwens (Not signed in).....Sun Jan 31 00:53:33 -0800 2010

The Bohm Dialogue, especially Collective Reflection has significance for me in terms of artistic critique and dialogue.

If one wanted to connect this to Jungian thought I'd relate to that.

  --Srule Brachman (Not signed in).....Mon May 21 17:09:16 +0000 2012





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