Participatory Processes

ParticipatoryPractices are any approaches in which people participate in Conversation, Dialogue, Deliberation, Reflection, Organization Development, Group Process, Community Renewal, Collective Intelligence, Democracy, etc. We will focus on - but not limit ourselves to - practices which engage people together (or with institutions) to benefit themselves collectively or on behalf of a larger group that they are part of.

This particular page will constitute an index of such practices. We will list the names of participatory practices here as Wiki links, so that each one will have its own page(s) that can be developed starting from this page.

For now, I suggest we list the participatory practices in alphabetical order. Later we may want to develop categories for them. As this develops, I and others may want to do some Participatory Practices Analysis such as Comparing Practices or exploring some Underlying Dynamics Of Process (which can be done off of the very links in this sentence, and others like them). With such understandings we may be better equipped to design Multi Approach Programs.

The initial list below includes all the items on the Citizens Science Toolbox from which descriptions of each practice can be cut and pasted into the pages created below. We're all encouraged to add further practices below, but for now (until we've transferred all the data from the Citizens Science Toolbox), let's put an asterisk after each practice that is NOT part of that toolbox. I have added all the practices I know about which I have ready access to at least some descriptive material (yikes! that looks like about 185 of them)...

-- Tom Atlee

Participatory Practices...

Active Listening *

Appreciative Inquiry *

Area Neighborhood Forum *

Arbitration *

Arts Based Civic Dialogue *

Asset Based Community Development *


Bohm Dialogue *



Candidate Evaluation Panel *

Chime And Stone *

Choice Creating *

Choice Work *

Citizen Advisory Committee *

Citizen Committee

Citizen Consensus Council *

Citizen Deliberative Council *

Citizen Election Forum *

Citizen Initiative Review *

Citizen Jury

Citizen Panel *

Citizen Reflective Council *

Citizen Survey Panel *

Civic Journalism

Collaborative Inquiry *

Collaborative Learning *

Collaborative Watershed Management *

Commons Cafe *

Community Asset Inventory *

Community Consultation Committee *

Community Fair

Community Indicator

Community Issues Group *

Community Planning *

Community Viz *

Compassionate Listening *


Conference Model *

Conflict Transformation *

Conflict Work

Consensus Building *

Consensus Building Exercise *

Consensus Conference

Consensus Organizing *

Consensus Participation *

Consensus Process *

Conversation Cafe *

Council Process (see Talking Circle) *

Deliberation *

Deliberative Dialogue *

Deliberative Focus Group *

Deliberative Inclusionary Process *

Deliberative Opinion Poll (aka Deliberative Polling)

Delphi Study

Design Charrette

Despair And Empowerment Work *

Dialogue *

Dialogue Mapping *

Display Or Exhibit

Dutch Study Group *

Dynamic Facilitation *

Electronic Democracy

Enlightened Communication *

Environmental Justice Collaborative Model *

Expert Panel

Facilitation *

Fast Cycle Full Participation *

Field Trip

Fish Bowl

Flower Diagram Workshop *

Focus Group

Future Search

Gemba Kaizen *

Gestures Of Conversational Presence *

Group Awareness Exercise *

Group Silence *

Group Ware *

Holistic Management *

Ho OPono Pono (ho'o p'ono p'ono) *

Human Needs Analysis (see Analytical Problem Solving) *

Information Contact

Information Hotline

Information Repository

Innovative Development *

Integrative Conversation

Interactive Strategic Planning *

Interactive Television

Interactive Video Display Kiosk

Intergroup Dialogue *

Intragroup Dialogue *

Issue Forum *

Key Stakeholder Interview

Kitchen Table Discussion

Knowledge Mapping *

Large Group Intervention *

Learning Circle *

Listening Circle (see Talking Circle) *

Listening Project *

Macleans Panel *

Media Release


Multi Criteria Mapping *

Multi Objective Decision Support System (MODSS)

Multiple Viewpoint Drama *

National Issues Forum *

Negotiation *

Neighborhood Policy Jury *

Newspaper Insert

Nominal Group

Nonviolent Communication *

Open Forum *

Open House (aka Open Days or Drop-In Centers)

Open Question Circle *

Open Sentences Practice *

Open Space Technology

Organization Workshop *

Parent Jury *

Participant Observation

Participative Design Workshop *

Participatory Budgeting *

Participatory Idealized Design *

Participatory Research *

Participatory Rural Appraisal (aka Participatory Research And Action) (PRA) *

Penny For Your Thoughts *

Photo Voice

Planning Cell *

Planning For Real

Popcorn *

Popular Education *

Poster Competition

Preferred Futuring[TM] *

Printed Information

Prioritization Matrix

Process Content Outline *

Process Worldwork *

Psycho Drama *

Public Conversation

Public Hearing *

Public Involvement Volunteer

Public Meeting

Quaker Meeting For Business *


Random Selection *

Rapid Rural Appraisal *

Real Time Strategic Change[SM] *

Real Time Delayed Time Synergy *

Regional Civic Learning And Design Center *

Regulatory Negotiation *

Residents Feedback Panel *

Restorative Justice *


Roundtable *

Salon *

Samoan Circle

Scenario Planning

Scenario Work *

Search Conference

Service Learning *

Service User Forum *

Shop Front

Simulation Electronically Generated

Simu Real *

Sketch Interview

Snowball Sampling

Socrates Cafe *

Solicitation Of Comments *


Stakeholder Analysis

Stakeholder Decision Analysis *

State Of Grace Document *

Story Circle *

Strategic Forum[TM] *

Strategic Questioning *

Structured Value Referenda *

Study Circles



Sustained Dialogue *

Symbolic Dialogue *

Talking Circle *

Talking Stick Circle (see Talking Circle) *

Tavistock *

Technical Assistance

Technical Reports And Discussion Paper

Technology Of Participation[TM] *

Telephone Tree

Tele Vote *

TGroup *

Think Like A Genius *

Transformative Mediation *

Twenty First Century Town Meeting *

Varresbecker Bach Participatory Process *


Watershed Management Council (see Collaborative Watershed Management) *

Web Lab Small Group Dialogue *

Whole Scale Change (whole scale is [TM]) *

Whole Systems Approach [SM] *

Widening Circles Exercise *

wiki *

Wisdom Council *


World Cafe * ! [[Participatory Practices Analysis]]