Welcome to the National Coalition For Dialogue And Deliberation's wiki! NCDD members and others involved in dialogue and deliberation are encouraged to use this space to write together about tools, explore and develop shared understanding, come to agreement on how to proceed with projects, and much more.

A wiki is a collaboratively-created web of interlinked pages. Anyone can edit - just click on the "Edit this page" link at the bottom of each page. There's also a box at the bottom of every page that allows you to add a comment to a page. The Formatting Rules are simple. For more help, see Wiki For Beginners.

If you plan to participate actively in this wiki, please add your name to the Ncdd Wiki Participants list and create a Home Page for yourself so people can learn more about you. For an introduction and basic instructions for how to get started, see our Welcome Message.

Current Projects & Topics:


Here you'll find the most comprehensive list of participatory practices on the Web. The good folks who created the Citizens Science Toolbox have given us permission to add material from their toolbox to Ncdd Wiki as a starting place for practitioners and others to revise the descriptions of myriad participatory practices to be more accurate, complete and useful. Everyone is encouraged to participate in this experiment!


NCDD's 2004 Conference took place at October 23-25 (with post-conference trainings on the 26th) in Denver, Colorado. The 60-plus members of the conference planning team will use this space for some of their collaborative work, and conference participants are encouraged to use this space for some pre-conference networking.


The Utne Institute, Conversation Cafe, World Cafe and NCDD are spearheading a large-scale dialogue project during the 2004 election year called "Let's Talk America." Some LTA organizers are using this space to work collaboratively on documents.

ExploringBasics of D&D

What are the underlying principles or phenomena of dialogue and deliberation? Why do we do this work? What is important for practitioners of these arts to know or do? This wiki space exists to help us explore the deep commonalities that make us into one field or movement, or that clarify our work into its most powerful simplicities.

NCDD's Governance And Mission Committee

A group of NCDD members are using this workspace to explore and collaboratively develop NCDD's Mission Statement, NCDD's Principles, Governance Procedures and By Laws. The group will report to the NCDD Steering Committee and will seek the input of NCDD members.

Developing a Visionary Mission for the Field

NCDD Steering Committee member Tom Atlee has been working with a group of NCDD members on the beginning stages of an interactive, collaborative process that would enable people from throughout the field to work together to create one or more statements about the visionary mission of dialogue and deliberation and its practitioners. This process will create coherent statements of the visionary role of D&D in our society's effectiveness, survival and evolution.


NCDD is working with a group of leaders in collaboration, mediation and similar fields to explore how we might be able to work together to foster increased and improved collaborative problem-solving in communities. The group initially met at the Association for Conflict Resolution conference in Orlando, Florida this past October. The group plans to use this Wiki as its collaborative workspace.


Use this space if you'd like to tell other wiki visitors about your project, program or event, but don't necessarily want to create a whole new wiki topic like the ones above. Go here to see what others would like you to know about!


Let us know what you think about the Ncdd Wiki. Have an idea for a new topic? Have a suggestion for making things easier for beginners to understand? This is the place. The wiki team will check this page frequently to hear your ideas and comments.


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Technology Of This Wiki